Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Contemporary abstract art is like jazz...

http://wwww.gallerymarden.com In hopes more of you that read this will reach out and take a hold of abstract contemporary art and enjoy the beauty of color and sense art is 'like a jazz song' that is lived between the notes, seeing into the hearts of the artist like never before... realizing that the deep self expression of the most simple piece of art is unique unto every artist. I can only hope you grow in your enjoyment.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

'Portofino' art video is live on YouTube

Yes my son has put together a new video of my latest textured acrylic on canvas I called 'Portofino'. This piece is 76" x 48" x 1.75" and just vibrant with color. When I was studying to create this piece I saw water and boats and bright colors and people interacting on the port side and soft songs playing in the background soft and romantic like Andrea Bocelli as in his latest work called 'Love in Portofino'.  Enjoy 'Portofino'! http://www.youtube.com/user/PopiMarden

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All that's new!

Yes it's been a while since I blogged, I hope all have been well and have been enjoying my art... soon I will post a new video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/PopiMarden when my son finishes editing and compressing it.  Til then, enjoy and have a very nice day.

Popi Marden